Get more indept knowledge about self-defense and fighting in and around vehicles. Defend knife threats and attacks on busses, in cars and in and around dark and narrow areas. The course covers both attacks with and without weapons. Kurn practical security advice in vehicles and how to defend attacks from all different angles. We use basic solutions and new advance solutions. Learn about the limitations of vehicles and how to use them to your advantage,
CQB (Close Quarter Battle) is fighting in close, and in narrow corridors. We will work with techinques using walls, corners, narrow spaces. In another word, limitations often found in bigger vehicles and also waitingroom, offices and other places. Using the enviroument to our atvantage and fighting the limitations this gives.
Early Bird through January: 980 euros. Full price: 1,150 euros.
Specialty Course 5 days (for students), G-level: Early Bird through January: 735. Full price: 862 euros.