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Krav Maga Global er den største og mest profesjonelle Krav Maga organisasjonen i verden. Vi arrangerer jevnlige instruktørkurs og samlinger for å utdanne og utvikle våre instruktører. General Instructors Course (GIC) er inngangsportalen til all instruktørvirksomhet hos KMG. Etter å ha gjennomført dette kurset kan du undervise i vanlige klubber eller seminarer og du har muligheten til å gå videre på spesialiseringer som kvinne instruktør, politi, forsvar, etc. I 2017 kjører vi et skandinavisk kurs. Del 1 i Norge med…
Find out more »What is the International Krav Maga Summer Camp? The International Krav Maga Summer camp 2017 in Norway is an annual international event hosted by Krav Maga Global Norway. It gives practitioners a chance to come and train intensively for 6 days with both new and old students. The annual international Summer camp is held in Bodoe, at the National Training Centre in Norway. In Bodoe the days are extremely long during the summer so our training days will be the same. You will receive…
Find out more »In practical terms, Krav Maga is composed of three integrated parts: self-defense; third-party protection; and fighting skills and tactics. In the late 1980s, an updated Krav Maga curriculum was created incorporating a wealth of new experience and knowledge gained in conventional and unconventional combat situations, as well as in civilian circumstances. Since then, our Krav Maga instructors have gained additional knowledge and experience. So the time has come to offer our instructors and students further education. Our new curriculum covers…
Find out more »What is the International Krav Maga Summer Camp? The International Krav Maga Summer camp 2018 in Norway is an annual international event hosted by Krav Maga Global Norway. It gives practitioners a chance to come and train intensively for 5 days with both new and old students. The annual international Summer camp is held in Bodoe, at the National Training Centre in Norway. In Bodoe the days are extremely long during the summer so our training days will be the same. You will receive…
Find out more »Kurset går over 3 lørdager og 1 søndag, totalt 10 timer, og fokuserer på relevante problemstillinger for kvinner: Lørdag 26. januar kl. 10 - 13 Lørdag 2. februar kl. 10 - 12 Lørdag 9. februar kl. 10 - 12 Søndag 10. februar kl 10 - 13 Pris: 1100 kr / 950 kr student. Påmeldingen er bindende. Når du har betalt, har du garantert plass. Selvforsvar for kvinner (2015) Vi har kurset over 3400 kvinner i selvforsvar. Mange av våre…
Find out more »Are you already training in a KMG club? Or are you interested in starting to teach Krav Maga in your local city or training centre? You now have the opportunity to join in on this years KMG education. We are running some unique courses for future instructors in KMG Norway. Trainers Assistant Course The TA course is designed for the students in existing clubs who want to help out with warmups, be assistants to the instructors in the class. Or…
Find out more »2 ganger i året arrangerer Bushido Kampsportsenter og KMG Bergen store kampsportleirer. Her kan man trene mange forskjellige kampsporter eller fokusere på 1. Det er helt opp til deg. Leirer er en veldig fin måte å få bedre kunnskap om Krav Maga. Den intensive treningeformen over flere dager med flere timer gir en bedre forståelse og fordypning i emnet. Instruktørene Laila og Børge fra National Team er expert level instruktører og vil gi en grundig innføring i de emnene som…
Find out more »What is the International Krav Maga Summer Camp? The International Krav Maga Summer camp 2019 in Norway is an annual international event hosted by Krav Maga Global Norway. It gives practitioners a chance to come and train intensively for 5 days with both new and old students. The annual international Summer camp is held in Bodoe, at the National Training Centre in Norway. In Bodoe the days are extremely long during the summer so our training days will be the same. You will receive…
Find out more »Are you already training in a KMG club? Or are you interested in starting to teach Krav Maga in your local city or training centre? You now have the opportunity to join in on this years KMG education. We are running some unique courses for future instructors in KMG Norway. Trainers Assistant Course The TA course is designed for the students in existing clubs who want to help out with warmups, be assistants to the instructors in the class. Or…
Find out more »What is the International Krav Maga Summer Camp? The International Krav Maga Summer camp 2020 in Norway is an annual international event hosted by Krav Maga Global Norway. It gives practitioners a chance to come and train intensively for 5 days with both new and old students. The annual international Summer camp is held in Oslo, at the Krav Maga Academy in Norway. You will receive months of training crammed into 5 intensive days, starting in the morning and finishing…
Find out more »Krav Maga Global (KMG) Norge ble opprettet i 2010 etter at vi skiftet forbund og fulgte Eyal Yanilov, Imi’s nærmeste elev og pådriver for det moderne Krav Maga systemet de fleste organisasjoner benytter i dag. Vi har KMG klubber spredd rundt om i Norge med mer enn 50 dyktige instruktører.