Are you already training in a KMG club? Or are you interested in starting to teach Krav Maga in your local city or training centre? You now have the opportunity to join in on this years KMG education.
We are running some unique courses for future instructors in KMG Norway.
Trainers Assistant Course
The TA course is designed for the students in existing clubs who want to help out with warmups, be assistants to the instructors in the class. Or the future instructors who wants to have a 3 day introduction to the educational ladder in KMG. The course is 3 intensive days of theory and practical training. Minimum requirement is P3 level in KMG.
Assistant Instructors Course
The AIC is the first 9 days of the full General Instructors Course (GIC). After the course you may be approved (upon the decision of Norway HQ) as Assistant Instructors and can start having classes in your local club. You can continue on to the full GIC and become a certified Krav Maga instructor under KMG.
For those who have the TA allready, you just need the 6 last days.